Can The Global Workforce Meet Your I.T. Needs?




Can The Global Workforce Meet Your I.T. Needs?

Outsourcing continues to grow, especially in IT where some of the nation's top software developers regularly turn to the global talent pool.

Two compelling reasons account for its appeal. First, outsourcing simplifies cost containment — even when regulations or other factors threaten to increase your liabilities. And second, outsourcing can help you enter emerging markets — like Africa and Asia — while filling gaps where in-house talent may not be available.

Outsourcing is here to stay, and it’s not as difficult as you might expect to take advantage of its opportunities.

Custom solutions — Utilizing talented individuals who provide software as a service is an effective way for you and your team to add flexibility and scale development. With access to the latest tools, the right outsourced talent can take your solutions and apply them to the widest possible audience. They can help you scale your business as well as gain you instant and constant access to the most current technologies.

But it's not just software: Hosting, help desk, web design, technical support, application development, and other solutions are available via outsourcing.

A bigger workforce — There's no talent shortage in the global marketplace. By limiting a search, you’re cutting yourself off from the ideas and ingenuity your company software needs. The number of qualified workers around the world continues to grow, and you should take advantage of it for your company. It’s a great way to hedge against staff turnover in critical areas.

And it's not just about the available talent quality: By locating developers abroad, you're maximizing the size of the pool to draw from, giving you the best possible competitive advantage as an employer. If you want the best bang for your buck, outsourcing is a profitable route.

Cost containment — Most companies can procure non-core services at better price-performance levels than they could produce in-house. Staffing a full IT department before you’re ready to expand will likely suffocate your development. In addition to the salaries and benefits IT staff members expect to receive, training, orientation, equipment, and office space will add to your costs. Outsourcing allows you to buy only what you need, converting what would otherwise be fixed into variable costs. Save money and take advantage of the time to pursue essential tasks your in-house staff wants to focus on.

What matters most

Your company goals are important when selecting the best partner. To choose the highest quality outsourced talent, find a partner whose goals and vision are consistent with your own. When you make your selection, be sure your choice fits company needs.

You know you’ll be in the right place when your new partner helps develop an outsourcing plan and you get the most out of it.

Unsure where to begin your outsourcing plan? Want a hand finding the best talent? In today's uncertain economy, experts at The Intellection Group (TIG) can help. Contact us today or call us at 678-283-4283 for assistance with all your IT outsourcing needs.

SoftwareDave Bernard